I also do music, in a small, amateur kind of way. I make arrangements from time to time, too. I made this piano arrangement + solo instrument or voice, for a friend to do a Christmas concert last year. Very sad when Greg Lake passed away, just while I was in the process of doing this. Still, I hope no one complains about copyright or anything – it’s not for commercial use and it is a lovely song, and meant as a tribute to a lovely musician and human being. (And from all that, you now have to guess which song it is). So, you’ve some months to practice (if you want) before Christmas comes around again. Also available for Bb Clarinet, by the way…
Finissage for Viewfinders “Aamet et Marolles”
General Posted on Mon, May 01, 2017 19:43:18We were honoured to have had a visit from Geoffroy Coomans de Brachène, Deputy Mayor of Brussels, for town Planning and Heritage, at the “Finissage” of the Viewfinders exhibition “Aamet et Marolles” at the delightful “La Clef d’Or” café. Mr. Coomans is also interested in photography, and we talked about some future projects he has in mind for Brussels where – who knows – we may be able to play an active role.
I’m particularly proud of this exhibition – it really showed the strong links we are building between the international community (the “ex-pats”) and the people of the beautiful city we now call our home!
(These photos (c) CH)
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Up on the roof
General Posted on Tue, March 21, 2017 00:38:36 I recently got to go up on the roof of the building where I work. It offers a lovely view of the “Palais de Justice / Justitiepaleis”. The spire of Poelaert’s monster building seems to reach eagerly to the sky from among the pile of scaffolding that has been keeping it up for the last 20 years or so. Still, the sun catches the dome nicely…
- Comments(0) https://blog.dafos.be/?p=14
General Posted on Tue, March 21, 2017 00:27:55Molenbeek – much maligned in the last year or so – in need of much TLC; just as much as the rest of Brussels after the events of 22/3/2016. The scars will take a long time to mend, but the canal area still holds a kind of magic. The canal itself forms a kind of natural frontier between what people regard as the “less good” parts of Molenbeek and the rest of Brussels. A walk along there of an evening yielded some nice shots!
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General Posted on Tue, March 21, 2017 00:23:00The “Heyzel” is a wonderful piece of Brussel’s nostalgia. Built for the “Word Fair” in 1958, the building complex still houses a lot of trade fairs and the like. I’ve been there often, as a visitor and to do photo jobs, and it never ceases to impress. It is part of a park that includes various tourist attractions, including the world-famous (in Belgium at least) “Atomium” (can’t sell photos of that – it’s copyrighted!). A sunny Sunday afternoon visiting the “Photo Days” trade show also gave the opportunity to re-capture some of this site’s sights…
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Back to life…
General Posted on Sun, May 08, 2016 14:14:15It was nice to see Brussels coming back to life yesterday. Lovely sunny day, nice walk in the shady park at the Brussels “Iris Festival” – food truck food event and electro music outside the palace (hope Philippe didn’t have to work…).
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Saturday, choresday
General Posted on Sat, May 07, 2016 14:36:43What fantastic weather today! But yes, chores to do and I’m up for the ironing. Which is cool, ‘cos I can take it outside to do in the sun (which is actually hot, but you know what I mean). Strip down and get a vitamin-D recharge into the bargain.
Not that I like ironing. I don’t mind it though. Quite therapeutic, actually. Gives you time to think. Mull over those important little things that really matter in everyday life. Not the big scary issues we read about have to think about the rest of the time. The important things. Of everyday life.
Like, why is it completely impossible to stop my deodorant staining my shirts? I mean, look at ’em! And I use the very best brand, too! The adverts told me so!
What has this got to do with photography? Just think of me raising my elbows to turn the camera for that winning portrait shot (all right – don’t then). What would people think?? Honestly!
(“Camera Ninja” a photo of me by Kevin Johnson)
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In case you were wondering…
General Posted on Fri, May 06, 2016 19:38:24DAFOS. Where did THAT come from?
(People often ask me this, or think it’s actually my family name!)
It’s a name I chose for my business, back when I (had to) set it up.
It’s based on a nick-name I had when in school (one of the polite ones !)
“Foster” became “The Fozz”, like Fozzy Bear in “the Muppet Show” (how cute ! ).
“The Fozz” then of course got distorted into “Da Fozz”.
Which if you say it quick comes out like “Da Foss”.
Whence “DAFOS”.
Happy now?
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